Introducing the New Photo Editor by Aviary, Redesigned for Android Material Design

We’re thrilled to announce Photo Editor by Aviary for Android, v4.0! We completely reimagined Aviary under Google’s Material Design standards and gave the app a brand new look. This release features updated iconography, a tangible surface interface, and a dynamic color palette for an immersive photo editing experience. Here are a few highlights:

  • App Icon - Our old icon was bulky, over styled, and relied heavily on gradients. True to Material Design, our new icon has soft shadows and stacked elements to create dimension. The colors have been updated using the Material palette for a much cleaner and vibrant look.

  • Tool Icons - We’ve also simplified the icons in the Tool bar. Gone are the strokes and drop shadows - we've replaced them with clean shapes and bold symbols. 

  • Tangible Surfaces - Every surface in the editor has been converted to a paper-like layer that creates depth and reacts to your touch with visual feedback. For example, tapping on a tool creates a ripple motion that mimics a drop of ink falling on a page, so you can see exactly where the interaction is happening.
Tangible surfaces
  • Print like Design - Material is heavily influenced by the foundations of print design, using imagery and color to create bold and simple layouts. In the new Aviary, accent colors are seamlessly integrated into your editing experience. Draw and Text tools pull color options dynamically from your photo, thanks to the Material Palette support library.
  • Improved Supply Shop - We’ve added stunning transitions throughout the editor and incorporated cards to better organize our content. The Supply Shop now shows full bleed images for a simpler and more sophisticated browsing experience.
Supply Shop

Like the Draw and Text tools, the Supply Shop dynamically selects vibrant colors from the Material Palette library to complement the pack. 

    Detail Screen
    • Adaptive Design - Optimization across devices has always been a priority of ours. In this release, we've optimized the Supply Shop and detail pages so every aspect of the design remains consistent no matter what size device you’re using. We’ve also improved the performance of our app to provide faster and more efficient tools and image processing. 

    Visit the Google Play Store and download Aviary now!

    This is just the beginning of a better Aviary. Over the next few months, we’ll be adding even more UI improvements, animations, and new features. If you have suggestions, feedback, feature requests, or just want to say hi, Tweet at us! And if you want an exclusive preview of future releases, join our beta group and help us make your favorite photo editor even better!